paintings and drawings from the XVI° to the XXI° century


Karl Josef Aigen »
landscape of Olmutz
Francesco Albotto »
The Grand Canal from Palazzo Pisani towards Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
Filippo Balbi »
Lagotto and ham
Gianfranco Baruchello »
Palazzo degli intestini con chioma di Berenice, Studio per Acrobata Clandestino
Alighiero Boetti »
Order and Disorder
Alighiero Boetti »
the Longets Rivers in the World
bottega di Cornelis van der Meulen »
Still life with shelles and little roman marble bust
bottega di Otto Marseus van Schrieck »
undergrowth with butterflies, reptiles and cardoon flowers and opium poppy
Massimo Campigli »
Blue woman and houses
Felice Carena »
Gualfarda, 1914
Galileo Chini »
Siamese Mask
Lucia Crisci »
Red Object or Chinese Object 1
Lucia Crisci »
Action 12th
Bruno Croatto »
portrait of Ester Igea Finzi
Piero Dorazio »
Anapoda VIII
Achille Funi »
Christ King, on the back portrait of Raffaele Carrieri
Vincenzo Gemito »
Cup with Pompeian decoration
Luca Giordano »
Herod's banquet
Nedda Guidi »
"Small Sheet"
Jacob Philipp Hackert »
landscape near Camaldoli
Jacob Hashimoto »
On the Nature of Heros
Adolf Hiremy Hirschl »
Roman Prostitute
Adolf Hiremy Hirschl »
the Red Hat, portrait of his daughter Maud
Sigismondo Nappi »
Saint John Baptist
Giuseppe Passeri »
Holy Family with St.John the young
Elena Pinzuti »
Landscape EP9
Domenico Piola »
Concertino of youg satyrs with a monkey and a Araa parrot
Enrico Prampolini »
Self-caricature of the Futurist Pavilion by the architect Prampolini
Carlo Scarpa »
Sketch for chandelier
Mario Sironi »
the Annunciation
Bernardo Strozzi »
Susanne and the elder
Massimo Taparelli D'Azeglio »
Rinaldo attacked by a monster during ride the horse in the Selva Ardenna
Ferruccio Vecchi »
portrait of Isa Miranda or ‘the sensitive’